Ideal grazing, cropping or lifestyle block
It is with great pleasure that Wardle Co Rural have been favoured as the sole agents to offer these blocks of land at South Hummocks.
The property is being offered for sale as a whole. The property is located at 139 Station Rd, South Hummocks which is 14 kilometres* northwest of Port Wakefield in the upper Yorke Peninsula. A productive and easy working parcel of land situated 2 kilometres* off the Copper Coast Hwy with good access to the major grain terminals at Snowtown & Wallaroo.
Total average rainfall of 328mm/13'* as per Port Wakefield.
The property comprises a total area of 179 acres / 72.44 ha* with the arable area being 119 acres / 48.22 ha*. The land is relatively flat easy working ground of brown loam soils well suited to a variety of crops. The property is zoned rural and is fenced as predominantly one paddock.
Section 159
86 acres / 34.80 ha* with 54 acres / 21.7 ha* arable
Remaining area is scrub land
Section 160
93 acres / 37.64 ha* with 66 acres / 26.8 ha* arable
Remaining area is salt land under control of the Native Vegetation Act 1991
This is a great opportunity for farm expansion for cropping and grazing or even as a lifestyle block.
Sale Details
Settlement: 1st March 2023
Deposit: 5% of the purchase price
Early access will be provided for spraying and tillage to the purchaser post-harvest.
Expression Of Interest closes 2pm Thursday 27th October 2022
Attention - Brenton Brind, "South Hummocks" 6A Graves St, Kadina
Inspections by appointment only
IM available from 6A Graves St, Kadina
Brenton Brind – 0408 955 182 /
*Denotes approximate